Free Book Reuse and Recycling Event to be Held May 31 - June 2
The Will County Resource Recovery and Energy (RRE) Division will host its annual three-day book event from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, May 31, and Saturday-Sunday, June 1-2, at Joliet Park District’s Pilcher Park Nature Center, 2501 Highland Park Drive.
“This popular event helps promote responsible recycling and reuse of books,” said County Executive Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant. “Last year’s event was highly successful, with nearly 2,000 residents attending to drop off or pick up books.”
Schools, libraries, and individuals may bring unused and unwanted books for reuse and recycling. Hardcover and paperback books will be accepted and shared for free to attendees. Categories include fiction, non-fiction, children’s, romance, hobby, travel, health and living, religion, textbooks, periodicals and cookbooks.
The annual event prevents thousands of books from going unused or dumped into landfills. Instead, these books are redistributed at no charge to the public. Books that are not reused will be shipped for recycling at the end of the three-day event.
The event is a collaboration between Will County and the Joliet Park District.