If you find a map online, we are willing to print it for you. Our prices are as follows:
8.5" x 11" : $5
11" x 17" : $9
24" x 36" : $40
42" x 42" : $60
42" x 48" : $72
Once you contact us and pay, the maps generally take about 30 minutes to print, so please plan accordingly. We accept card, cash or check. All checks should be made payable to Will County Treasurer.
If you prefer to skip the wait when you come to pick up your map(s), you may pay online via credit card using the following link:
Please note, there is a fee associated with credit or debit card payments. The minimum service fee is $3.50. For map purchases over to $93.33, the service fee is 3.75% of the total purchase price.
Custom maps are prepared at a rate of $30 per half hour. A digital copy will be provided at no additional charge. Additional printed copies are available in the sizes and prices listed above.