2018 Accidental Overdoses

Updated February 4, 2019 (119) Cases + (1) traffic case w/ contributing heroin
WF3001/02/2018a) Fentanyl IntoxicationWCSP (Homer Glen)
BM2801/01/2018a) Cold Exposure, Part2: Phencyclidine IntoxicationJoliet
BM4601/05/2018a) Cocaine Intoxication, Part2: Coronary AtherosclerosisBolingbrook
WM3401/06/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationNew Lenox
WM3501/08/2018a) Fentanyl IntoxicationWCSP (Frankfort)
BF4201/11/2018a) Anoxic Encephalopathy, b) Acute Ischemic Stroke, c) Cocaine Intoxication, Part2: Diabetes & Congestive Heart FailureN/A
WM4401/13/2018a) Cocaine Intoxication, Part 2: Coronary AtherosclerosisWCSP (DuPage Twsp)
WF3701/14/2018a) Fentanyl, Cocaine, Heroin, and Alcohol IntoxicationManhattan
WM5401/20/2018Cyclobenzaprine and Hydrocodone IntoxicationJoliet
WM3201/24/2018Fentanyl and Cocaine IntoxicationNew Lenox
MM3601/25/2018a) Coronary Atherosclerosis, Part2: Alcohol Intoxication & Cold ExposureJoliet
WF3201/31/2018Heroin IntoxicationMokena
WM4601/30/2108Cocaine and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM2002/02/2018Fentanyl IntoxicationWCSP (New Lenox Twsp)
WM3402/12/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM4201/11/2018a) Combined Drug Intoxication (Cocaine, Methadone, EDDP, Alprazolam)WCSP (New Lenox Twsp)
WM1902/17/2018a) Fentanyl IntoxicationTinley Park
WF4201/23/2018a) Bronchopneumonia, Part 2: Cocaine IntoxicationJoliet
WM3602/26/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationWCSP (Lockport Twsp)
WM4302/18/2018a) Anoxic Encephalopathy, b) Combined Drug Intoxication (Methadone, Oxycodone/Oxymorphone)Dwight
WM4902/27/2018a) Craniocerebral Injuries, b) Fall Down Stairs. Part2: Alcohol IntoxicationWCSP (New Lenox)
WM3603/07/2018a) Fentanyl, Cocaine, Methadone, and Alcohol IntoxicationNew Lenox
WM4603/08/2018a) Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease. Part 2: Combined Drug Toxicity (prescription)Lemont
WM3603/12/2018a) Fentanyl IntoxicationRomeoville
WF4602/16/2018a) Heroin and Cocaine IntoxicationWCSP (Joliet Twsp)
WM2603/16/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationRomeoville
WM2303/11/2018a) Alcohol, Cocaine, and Fentanyl IntoxicationJoliet
WM4203/03/2018a) Heroin, Fentanyl, and Acetyl Fentanyl IntoxicationBolingbrook
WF2803/12/2108a) Fentanyl IntoxicationWCSP (Homer Glen)
WF3103/18/2018a) Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM3603/16/2018Fentanyl, Heroin, and Cocaine IntoxicationJoliet
WF3204/04/2018a) Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Heroin IntoxciationWilmington
WF2803/26/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationWCSP (Joliet Twsp)
WM2303/21/2018a) Heroin, Fentanyl, and Cocaine IntoxicationJoliet
WM6203/21/2018a) Heroin and Fentanyl IntoxicationCrest Hill
WM2203/31/2018a) Methadone IntoxicationNew Lenox
WF3303/26/2018a) Fentanyl IntoxicationJoliet
BM4603/27/2018a) Heroin, Fentanyl, Methamphetamine, and Acetyl Fentanyl IntoxicationJoliet
BM6203/28/2018a) Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. Part 2: Recent Cocaine IntoxicationNew Lenox
WM5204/05/2018a) Cocaine, Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, Heroin, and Alcohol IntoxicationWCSP (Lockport Twsp)
WF4603/21/2018a) Anoxic Encephalopathy, b) Cardiac Arrest, c) Cocaine IntoxicationAurora
WM4004/16/2018a) Fentanyl and Opiate IntoxicationMokena
BF5704/21/2018a) Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM6704/22/2018a) Fentanyl and Cocaine Intoxication (not heroin related)WCSP (Lockport Twsp)
WM2404/21/2018a) Cocaine, Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM2804/29/2018a) Fentanyl and para-Fluorobutyryl Fentanyl/ FIBF IntoxicationWCSP (Homer Glen)
WM2704/29/2018a) Fentanyl and Morphine IntoxicationWCSP (Plainfield Twsp)
WF4504/26/2018a) Cocaine Intoxication. Part2: Hx of CAD, HTN, and DiabetesSteger
WM3605/03/2018a) Fentanyl Intoxication. Part 2: Coronary AthersclerosisLockport
WF3005/01/2018a) Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, and Heroin IntoxicationShorewood
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2018 Heroin/Fentanyl Overdose Deaths

Updated February 4, 2019 (80) Cases + (1) traffic w/contributing heroin+ (1) suicide by heroin
WM3501/08/2018a) Fentanyl IntoxicationWCSP (Frankfort)
WM3401/06/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationNew Lenox
WF3001/02/2018a) Fentanyl IntoxicationWCSP (Homer Glen)
WF3701/14/2018a) Fentanyl, Cocaine, Heroin, and Alcohol IntoxicationManhattan
WM3201/24/2018Fentanyl and Cocaine IntoxicationNew Lenox
WF3201/31/2018Heroin IntoxicationMokena
WM2002/02/2018Fentanyl IntoxicationWCSP (New Lenox Twsp)
WM4601/30/2018Cocaine and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM3402/12/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM1902/17/2018a) Fentanyl IntoxicationTinley Park
WM3602/26/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationWCSP (Lockport Twsp)
WM3603/07/2018a) Fentanyl, Cocaine, Methadone, and Alcohol IntoxicationNew Lenox
WF4602/16/2018a) Heroin and Cocaine IntoxicationWCSP (Joliet Twsp)
WM2603/16/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationRomeoville
WM2303/11/2018a) Alcohol, Cocaine, and Fentanyl IntoxicationJoliet
WM4203/03/2018a) Heroin, Fentanyl, and Acetyl Fentanyl IntoxicationBolingbrook
WF2803/12/2018a) Fentanyl IntoxicationWCSP (Homer Glen)
WF3103/18/2018a) Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM3603/16/2018a) Fentanyl, Heroin, and Cocaine IntoxicationJoliet
WF3204/04/2018a) Fentanyl, Cocaine, and Heroin IntoxicationWilmington
WF2803/26/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationWCSP (Joliet Twsp)
WM2303/21/2018a) Heroin, Fentanyl, and Cocaine IntoxicationJoliet
WM6203/21/2018a) Heroin and Fentanyl IntoxicationCrest Hill
WF3303/26/2018a) Fentanyl IntoxicationJoliet
BM4603/27/2018a) Heroin, Fentanyl, Methamphetamine, and Acetyl Fentanyl intoxicationJoliet
WM5204/05/2018a) Cocaine, Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, Heroin, and Alcohol IntoxicationWCSP (Lockport Twsp)
WM4004/16/2018a) Fentanyl and Opiate IntoxicationMokena
BF5704/21/2018a) Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM2804/29/2018a) Fentanyl and para-Fluorobutyryl Fentanyl/FIBF IntoxicationWCSP (Homer Glen)
WM3404/21/2018a) Cocaine, Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM2704/29/2018a) Fentanyl and Morphine IntoxicationWCSP (Plainfield Twsp)
WM3605/03/2018a) Fentanyl Intoxication. Part 2: Coronary AtherosclerosisLockport
WF3005/01/2018a) Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, and Heroin IntoxicationShorewood
WM3105/07/2018a) Fentanyl and Cocaine IntoxicationBolingbrook
BM4605/10/2018a) Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, and Cocaine Intoxication. Part 2: Hypertensive Cardiovascular DiseaseRomeoville
WM1905/19/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationWCSP (New Lenox Twsp)
WF2605/30/2018a) Fentanyl intoxicationBraidwood
WM2606/13/2018a) Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM2606/22/2018a) Fentanyl IntoxicationChannahon
wM4806/26/2018a) Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, Heroin, Methadone, and Alprazolam IntoxicationJoliet
WM3107/01/2018a) Cocaine, Heroin, and Alprazolam IntoxicationShorewood
WM3707/01/2018a) Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, and Heroin IntoxicationWCSP (Joliet Twsp)
WM2107/03/2018a) Heroin, Acetyl Fentanyl, Fentanyl, and Cocaine IntoxicationJoliet
WM2507/06/2018a) Heroin IntoxicationBolingbrook
WM2807/09/2018a) Fentanyl Intoxication (heroin substitute)Romeoville
WF2907/13/2018a) Heroin, Fentanyl, and Cocaine IntoxicationJoliet
WM2707/17/2018a) Fentanyl Intoxication (heroin substitute)WCSP (Lockport Twsp)
WM2107/13/2018a) Heroin IntoxicationNew Lenox
WM2507/18/2018a) Fentanyl, Acetyl Fentanyl, and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
WM2107/21/2018a) Fentanyl and Heroin IntoxicationJoliet
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