Will County Animal Protection Services takes pride in striving to keep our residents safe against Rabies!
If you encounter a bat-live or dead, in or around the living areas of your residence, call us immediately. We will come and assist in removing the animal. Once we remove it, we will have the bat sent to the state laboratory to be tested for Rabies.
Please follow the following instructions when dealing with a bat:
1. Remove any people and animals from the area where the bat is.
2. If possible, close off vicinity to prevent bat from relocating to other areas.
3. Call Will County Animal Protection Services at (815) 462-5633, or your local Animal Protection Services IMMEDIATELY.
4. Don't forget to look over yourself, your children and any pets that were exposed to the bat for any small punctures or bite marks.
5. Don't forget to make certain that all of your pets are always currently vaccinated against Rabies!

Nuisance Wildlife
Will County Animal Protection Services does not provide services for any nuisance wildlife.
If the animal appears to be severely sick or injured to the point of posing a true public safety threat, please call us and we will do our best to have the animal removed, humanely euthanized and tested for Rabies if necessary.
If you have a problem with wildlife making a permanent residency in or around your home, you must contact a licensed wildlife trapper in your area.
State Law prohibits the trapping of any wildlife without a permit. For information on obtaining a temporary trapping permit, contact the Department of Natural Resources at (815) 476-2523.
For information on other options for dealing with nuisance wildlife, please click on this link:
Living With Wildlife