Will County recognized for Energy Efficiency Success
ComEd works closely with its economic development allies to leverage our top-performing electric reliability, the competitive Illinois energy market, and our business-focused energy efficiency program to help power innovation and create jobs.
Since 2008 over 1,900 Will County businesses have participated in ComEd Smart Ideas for Your Business® programs earning over $16M in total business incentives. These businesses are now benefiting from annual electric bill savings of nearly $16.2M.
Will businesses' energy savings equals a reduction in annual carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to:The electricity use of 20,400 homes or 31,300 passenger vehicles off the road.
ComEd Smart Ideas for Your Business® offers cash incentives, technical services and whole-building solutions to help businesses use energy more efficiently. For more information, visit ComEd.com/BizIncentives, call 855-433-2700 during normal business hours to speak with a ComEd Smart Ideas service representative or email us at SmartIdeasBiz@ComEd.com.